How to Recognize Prenatal or Postnatal Depression in Women

fertility counselling toronto

Depression during pregnancy is not an uncommon state of mind (1 in 10 women). This is a very stressful period that is difficult for the expectant mother, and sometimes these feelings are normal, but there are times when these things can really overwhelm the person and it is necessary to seek for help. The fertility counselling toronto is the right place where you can find help and assistance in this type of situations and make sure you get provided the right help.

Note that there are many solutions to deal with this difficult and stressful situation. One is consulting a fertility counseling which can be very helpful.

To understand depression during pregnancy, we need to know the most important encounter and need. This will help us learn more about mindfulness and how to handle it. Many of these cover up with those of depression in general (whether or not the woman is pregnant). Symptoms range from mild to severe.

Risk factors:

There are many risk factors that can lead to depression during pregnancy, the very fact that the body of the mother – to – be is changing is a risk factor enough for the woman to feel that way.

Although there are other risk factors that can lead to depression during pregnancy and some of them include:

  • current negative / stressors
  • predisposition to depression or anxiety
  • cases of depression or anxiety in the past
  • dysfunctional thinking and ineffective strategies for dealing with stressful situations
  • problems in family relationships
  • history of physical, emotional and sexual abuse
  • previous miscarriage or abortion

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If these factors sound familiar to you or the someone you know, you should consult a counselor and make sure to prevent the risk of developing prenatal and postnatal depression.

In consultation, these professionals works with clients to build effective strategies for dealing with the situation.
Know that you are not alone. Just over 1 in 10 women experience depression during or after pregnancy.
Keep in mind that the healthiest way to deal with it is to seek help and to contact the professional you need to make sure you understand the core of this feeling.

Depressed people often feel helpless. However, they must remember that apart from medication there are many other ways to overcome the depressive symptoms. Behavioral change – physical activity, lifestyle, way of thinking, is a natural way to deal with depression. And on top of that counseling can really contribute to making significant changes in the life of the mother to be. It is important for the people that this person is surrounded with to be very understanding and provide their full support in these difficult moments. Having someone who understands you and gives you their full support can be of a huge help.

You can find our contact information on Google and CylexCanada and contact us as soon as possible so we can find a permanent solution to your problem.

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