Hockey Rebounder Tricks for Huge Gains



You can really strengthen your game by using a hockey rebounder. Although it may not seem like an effective measure, there are a lot of gains that you can make by regularly practicing your passing and receiving techniques. A lot of crazy one-timer shots that you see in the pro games start from a simple pass. Then, pow. Score. Just like that. Here are a few tricks you can practice to strengthen your own game. Have fun. Make sure you have a great hockey shooting tarp to help you get the most from your training.

Skilled Backhand Shot

Make sure you have plenty of pucks within reach so that you can stay focused on what you are doing. Place the rebounder a few feet away from the shooting tarp parallel so that it rebounds out towards you from the same direction as the goal. Stand about 12 feet away from it. Make sure the rebounder is inline with your feet. Pass the puck to the rebounder and allow it to come back to you. Receive the puck, then quickly push your top hand forward and step towards the tarp then release the backhand shot. This takes a little bit of finesse and a lot of work, but it will greatly increase your receiving and shooting skills.

Forehand Pass Backhand Shot

This exercise also calls for a nice collection of pucks that is within your reach. This time place the rebounder on the edge of your practice area with the shooting tarp to your right or left. Sand with the rebounder in front of you. Start out by passing to the rebounder with a forehand and allow the puck to come back to you. When it gets within reach quickly snatch it up and shoot it backhand to the tarp. With each pass step farther away from the rebounder and try to get faster every time. Repeat this exercise until you run out of pucks.

Short Rebound

In this exercise, you can place the rebounder in the same spot as you did for the drill above. This time instead of backing up 12 feet, you only need to step back 3 or 4 feet. Once again make sure that you have a decent stockpile of pucks close by so that you can remain focused on your exercise. Start out with passing the puck straight to the rebounder. Allow the puck to come back to you, then take the shot. Forehand or backhand will work. Whatever one you need to work on the most. The key here is to do the exercises quickly and non-stop in order to sharpen the key components of your shooting game.

Hockey Passing and Shooting Exercise

Make sure you have plenty of pucks stacked up within reach so you don’t have to retrieve them each time you shoot one. Start out with your rebounder behind you. The goal will be to shoot goals after your first pass. Make a backhand pass to the rebounder and allow the puck to bounce back to you. As quickly as you receive the puck, make the shot in front of you. This drill is designed to strengthen your speed. Do this over and over in rapid succession until you run out of pucks.

Continue to Train

The most important thing you can do to strengthen your game is to keep at it. This means to keep going. Even when you are sick and tired of doing it, just keep it up. This is how champions are made and championships are won. Keep at it and don’t give up. Train like a warrior and win like a champion.

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